Music bio 音乐(早年)简历

关于音乐About Music

早年经历Early Life

Moreno生于音乐世家,父亲是一位出色小提琴家。Moreno自小就在音乐上天赋异禀,有次父亲带台手风琴回家,原本是打算自己作练习之用,没想到六岁的小Moreno拿起手风琴竟可以轻松自如的奏出乐曲,并对手风琴流露出极大的兴趣。他的父母看到儿子在音乐方面的天赋,为他请来当地最好的音乐家Rovro Mariano给他上课,而小Moreno也不负众望,在学习手风琴的三个月时间内就达到别人学习几年的音乐成绩。老师Rovro Mariano看到他悟性不错,就极力推荐他学习钢琴。Moreno于是开始与钢琴结缘,从一开始练习古典钢琴时就喜欢改变曲子的旋律,进而喜欢上即兴演奏,9岁就学会编曲。从9岁到16岁,他在意大利曾多次参加各种全国及世界级的钢琴、手风琴比赛,包括“Concorso Musicale InternazionaleCitta’ di Montesilvano”,“Concorso Musicale Citta”“ di Treviso”等,并曾获得30多个金奖与大奖。受到评论界的关注。他9岁开始在一些乐队里面弹奏钢琴、键盘和拉奏手风琴。还不断与大师们合作吸取养分,在不同的场合中演奏,这些经验助长了他的音乐历练。

Moreno was born in a musical family. His father was a Violin player. Moreno was well-endowed in music since he was young. There was once his father brought an accordion home for practicing, and surprisingly, Moreno, the 6-year-old, easily played some songs and showed great interest in accordion. Knowing his talent in music, Moreno’s parents invited the best local music teacher Rovro Mariano over for lessons. Moreno lived up to everyone’s expectation, and reached the level that others could only reach some years practice just after six months practice,noticing his great comprehension on music, Rovro Mariano strongly suggested him to learn piano, which was since then he became attached to piano. He liked to change the melody of classical piano songs since the very beginning of his practice and then liked to do improvisational performance, and also started arranging songs at the age of 9.  From the age of 9 to 16, he attended domestic and international piano and accordion competitions many times, such as Concerso Musicale InternazionaleCitta’ di Montesilvano, Concorso Musicale Citta, do Treviso etc, and had received over 30 gold awards and top prizes, and high attentions from the critics as well. He started playing piano, keyboard and accordion at some bands at 9, and learned from maestros that he played with at different occasions, all these enriched his experience in music.

学习经历 About Study

Moreno毕业于克莱利音乐学院,他8岁开始在意大利Vittorio Veneto的Corelli音乐学院从师著名音乐家Anna Maria Romano Colonna与Giovanni Pasqualis学习古典钢琴. 小学尚未毕业就展露头角。随后进入Padova的Pollini音乐学院学习钢琴,有幸师从于维也纳世界著名音乐家Christine Meyr女士,并与最优秀的成绩毕业。在一路的音乐学习历程中,除了钢琴,手风琴,他还在音乐学院进修了包括(单簧管、器乐合奏、和声、声乐、音乐理论)等课程。在他十几岁的时候,在Bassano Del Grappa的Dizzy GillespleI爵士音乐学院与意大利音乐家Marcello Tonolo学习爵士理论,并显露出优异的钢琴即兴作曲才能。Moreno 9岁在意大利成功举办第一场个人古典音乐独奏会。

Moreno was graduated from Corelli Music Institute. He went to Pollini Musical Conservatory of Padova to study piano and luckily become a student of the world’s well known musician Ms.Christine Meyr. He was already a stand-put before finishing elementary school. He also learned classical piano from the well known musician Anna Maria Romano Colonnaand Giovanni Pasqualis at Corelli Music Institute in Vittorio Veneto, and graduated with honors and good grades. During his music study, he learned not only piano and accordion, but also clarinet, instrumental ensemble, harmony, solfège and music theory etc. when he was a teenager, he learned jazz piano from Italian musician Marcello Tonolo at jazz musical school of Dizzy Gillespie in Bassano Del Grappa, and showed his great talent in piano improvisation.

Moreno的演出风格横跨了古典、爵士、拉丁、流行等多个领域。在其多年的音乐生涯中,与众多的著名音乐大师有过合作: Rufus Reid(美国著名爵士贝斯大师)、 Emil Richard(颤音琴大师)、EnRico Granafei(国际著名口琴大师)、Michelle Endrix(著名爵士女歌手)、Mark Murphy(著名爵士男歌手)、Bob Stoloff (美国伯克利大学教师以及著名男歌手) 、Yannick Rieu(著名加拿大萨克斯演奏家) 、Bob Mover (美国爵士萨克斯大师) 、Antonio Hart (美国爵士萨克斯大师)等等。

早在意大利,当时还是青涩少年的Moreno就参与美国爵士史上最具影响力之一Lee Konitz(美国著名萨克斯大师)的专辑录制《Lee Konitz In Venice》以及在意大利巡回演出。2015年Moreno与殿堂级爵士大师Rufus Reid同台表演。


Moreno’s performance covers broad range of styles from classic, jazz, Latin, pop to other fields. He has worked with many famous maestros such as Rufus Reid (Famous American master on jazz bass) , Emil Richard (Vibraphone player), Enrico Granafei(Famous international harmonica player), Michelle Endrix (Famous jazz singer), Mark Murphy (famous jazz singer), Bob Stoloff (Famous jazz singer and teacher of University of Berkeley),  Yannik Rieu (Famous Canadian saxophonist), Bob Mover (American jazz saxophonist) , Antonio Hart (American jazz saxophonist) etc.

Early in Italy when Moreno was still a teenager, he participated in recording album Lee Konitz In Venice of Lee Konitz, one of the most influential jazz saxophonist in the US history, and had tour performances in Italy which was highly acclaimed. In 2015, Moreno performed with top jazz maestro Rufus Reid.

He has also worked with many famous Chinese musicians, such as Lang Lang(famous international classical pianist), Cui Jian (pioneer of Chinese rock music), Zhang Hui Mei (Famous Taiwanese Pop singer), Shun Zi(Famous Chinese pop/jazz singer), Ai Dai (Famous Chinese singer), Gu Feng (State first-class actor and singer),  A Duo (Chinese Mainland singer) etc.  He performs in different countries all the year round, including Italy, France, UK, China, Japan, the Philippines, United States, Switzerland,  Germany etc. He has been given exclusive interviews many times by Italian national broadcasting agency RAI, and was also interviewed by some famous domestic and international medias such as China Education Television (CETV), China National Radio (CNR),  Beijing MediaNetwork (BMN), Tianjin Broadcasting Station, Beijing Television 5 (BTV5), China Radio International ( CRI ), Dalian Television, China Daily, Shenzhen Evening News, Sina, Tencent etc. He was also given exclusive interviews by a large documentary TV show Saga China (No.360) in 2013, and the new talkshow Just For You of Dalian TV in 2014.

与著名音乐人Galina Besner参加慈善音乐会
与著名音乐人Galina Besner参加慈善音乐会
为著名男高音歌唱家LOUIS ALVA伴奏
为著名男高音歌唱家LOUIS ALVA伴奏
与意大利著名歌手Antonio Fiabane同组乐队
与意大利著名歌手Antonio Fiabane同组乐队
与意大利著名歌手Fabio Concato
与意大利著名歌手Fabio Concato
早年Moreno 乐队在意大利米兰演出
早年Moreno 乐队在意大利米兰演出

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