Jazz Music 爵士音乐

关于爵士乐  About jazz music

早年在意大利他曾和贝斯手Lello Gnesutta还有鼓手Luca Bortoluzzi组成了一个三人演奏组。常年在意大利各大城市巡回演出。

1999年,他和中国著名吉他手刘玥还有日本鼓手古贺泉组成了以自己名字命名的爵士三人组。“Moreno Donadel Trio”Moreno拥有大量个人原创的爵士乐作品,乐队主要演奏传统爵士、拉丁爵士和来自Moreno的作品,作为乐队灵魂人物的他也改编演奏了许多富有中国特色的民歌与音乐作品。

2006年他和美国歌手Jessica Meider(杰茜卡·麦迪),中国低音乐器演奏家大中还有中国鼓手贝贝组成了一个新的爵士乐队。活跃在剧院以及中国乃至国外各大爵士音乐节上,经历并见证了自上个世纪九十年代末以来中国爵士乐的发展,影响了中国一大批爵士乐爱好者和乐手,也为中国爵士乐的发展做出很大的贡献。

2011年,Moreno、贝斯手金东宁、鼓手Robin Laurent,三人带着这些年来莫瑞诺三重奏赢得的良好口碑,又开始了新的征程。

2012年Moreno三重奏为Moreno、贝斯手大中、鼓手Alex Morris

2016年经过四次成员调整,Moreno三重奏的最终编制确定为Moreno、贝斯手张柯、鼓手Anthony Vanacore “”Moreno Donadel trio” 三位乐手皆有着极其扎实的音乐功底,都是在中国爵士乐坛扬名多年的杰出人物,多次参加各大国内外爵士音乐节的表演,他们各显其能又默契配合,乐队注重现场配合,灵活百变的演奏,征服了无数挑剔的耳朵!

(About Jazz Music)

Early in Italy, he formed a trio band with bassist Lello Gnesutta and drummer Luca Bortoluzzi, and did tour performances in major cities in Italy.In 1999, his self-titled jazz trio Moreno Donadel Trio was formed with famous Chinese bassist/guitarist Liu Yue and Japanese drummer Izumi Koga. Back then Moreno had a number of his original jazz songs, and the band played mainly traditional and Latin Jazz music, and some of Moreno’s original songs. As the soul of the band, he adapted and played many folk songs and other music with Chinese characteristics. In 2006, he formed a new jazz band with American singer Jessica Meider, Chinese bass player Dazhong, and Chinese drummer Beibei. They were active in theatres and various Jazz musical festivals in China and abroad. They experienced and witnessed the development of Chinese jazz music in the 90’s, influenced a large number of Chinese jazz lovers and musicians, and made great contribution to the development of Chinese jazz music.

In 2011, Moreno, bassist Jin Dongning, and drummer Robin Laurent started their new journey With Moreno’s good reputation gained from his trio performances,.

In 2012, Moreno, bassist Dazhong and drummer Alex Morris.

In 2016, after four adjustments of the members, It’s determined to be Moreno, bassist ZhangKe and drummer Anthony Vanacore . All these three musicians of Moreno Donadel Trio have very solid musical knowledge, and are well known outstanding figures in Chinese jazz music field for many years.  They performed in various jazz musical festivals in China and abroad, with each other’s talent shown and well cooperated. The band pays attention to cooperation on the stage, and captured countless of critical audiences with their flexible and variable performances.

与法国著名口琴大师Laurent Maur
与法国著名口琴大师Laurent Maur
与菲律宾著名女歌手Tria Bascon
与菲律宾著名女歌手Tria Bascon
Moreno Trio
Moreno Trio
Moreno 乐队参加“凤凰卫视”的活动
Moreno 乐队参加“凤凰卫视”的活动
在纽约与著名萨克斯手Sean Nowell等乐手组乐队
在纽约与著名萨克斯手Sean Nowell等乐手组乐队
Moreno乐队在Blue Note Beijing
Moreno乐队在Blue Note Beijing
与爵士钢琴大师Herbie Hancock
与爵士钢琴大师Herbie Hancock
在日本与吉他大师Yasutaka Yoshioka演出
在日本与吉他大师Yasutaka Yoshioka演出

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